The Autonomous Sinixt team would like to express our gratitude to all who assisted and supported our work in 2022. Below is a list of our accomplishments, ongoing work and a profile of the projects for 2023.
Film Related
- The Premier of Beyond Extinction: Sinixt Resurgence at DOXA film Festival
- by Film maker Ali Kazim
- The Local Film Tour
- Arrow Lake Theater, Nakusp: 95 attendees
- Royal Theater, Trail: 105 attendees
- Civic Theater, Nelson: 161 attendees
- Vallican Whole, Vallican: 108 attendees
- The Old Theater, Castlegar: 77 attendees
- The Film on the Festival Circuit
- Reel Asian film fest
- Planet in Focus film festival – winner of People’s Choice Award
- ReFrame Film Festival
- The film & panel at BCNU Human Rights Conference

In the News
- Re-occupation of nk̓ʕáwxtən (Vallican) Camp re: Heritage Branch decision
- Letter Writing Campaign re: FPCC funding decision
- Initiated process with BC Ombuds office re: withdrawal of promised FPCC funding. Ombuds agreed to pursue; ongoing
- Autonomous Sinixt (re)occupation of nk̓ʕáwxtən (Vallican) camp letter writing campaign to BC Heritage Branch.
- ReWilding Piq Ki7lawna7 Campaign for the Central Selkirk Mountains
- Ongoing social media campaign

- Second Edition of Not Extinct
- Sinixt in the Slocan Booklet
- Histories, Myths and Decolonial Interventions: A Planetary Resistance Edited By Arti Nirmal, Sayan Dey, Routledge Press.
- Chenoa “Taking it to the Water” included in a Graphic Novel (Wetlands Workforce) and our poster version of it
- Language Revitalization Work
- Unveiling of Interpretive Signage & planting at Snk’mip Marsh outside of New Denver
- The Development of Mxiɬp (Cedar) Trail in Rossland
- Trail Camas Interpretive Signage Unveiling
- Geolive map
- Cambridge-Violin reservoir dam removal and restoration work – meeting with funders, BC and local gov reps.
- Review of BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner SCORPA policing report
- Multiple meetings with Intefor regarding old growth logging – talks ongoing, one outcome: Interfor now provides notice to AS when logging will occur.
- Signing of Autonomous Sinixt Land Declaration at the Rossland Museum
- Signing MoU with Rossland Museum for Sinixt repository
- Creating Sinixt archive at Rossland museum – ongoing
- species at risk conference on Grizzly and White Grizzly with CIER
- BC Reptiles and Amphibians Consultation

- Public talk (in-person & via zoom) for Castlegar United Church: Sinixt History and Culture
- Sinixt archaeology talk at the University of Delaware
- Info session with RDKB, Montrose, Trail, and Rossland elected leaders and staff on Sinixt
- Dandelion Festival
- Neighbours United talk Sinixt “Extinction”: Contemporary Sinixt-Settler-State Relations in British Columbia Workshop
- Kootenay Yoga Festival: Opening, Plant Protocols, Moving Towards Discomfort & Radical Sinixt inclusion
- Language workshop at Rossland Museum
- Storytelling in Christina Lake
- Cedar weaving workshop, Rossland museum
- Chainsaw carving opening in Rossland
- Kootenay Art Therapy Institute graduation address
- hosted annual thanksgiving dinner at nk̓ʕáwxtən (Vallican) Camp
Community Support
- Sending of medicine to Ulluilsc and Sutikalh Indigenous camps
- medicine gifted to dozens who are sick and in need
- Support for local families and homeless people – food, money etc.
- Cultural and medicinal support for people with addictions
- active support of community healing circle during covid 19
- MMW2S march in new Denver
- Commencement Speaker Vallican Kootenay Art Therapy Institute graduation
- Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at nk̓ʕáwxtən

OCP engagement & review
- Village of Slocan
- City of Rossland
- City of Rossland Parks & Recreation
- Kootenay Mornings on Kootenay Coop Radio
Grants Received
- Vancouver Foundation, “Healing the Sinixt tmxʷúlaʔxʷ (homeland)”
- Species at Risk – 2 projects in support of White Grizzly and various species in Piq Ki7lawna7
- Online silent auction (Dec) raises $1700+
- 3 designs of t-shirts were created and distributed for sale, as well as various other merchandise
- Ongoing fundraising through BoLC
Visits to Vallican
- APTN investigates (link to both video & audio–different stories)
- APTN: The Other Side
- 30 various school groups, youth groups and organizations
Past Events
- Kootenay Yoga Festival
- July First at Rossland Museum
- City of Trail: TRC Day
- Online Silent Auction (Feb-Mar)
- February 2023, Allyship Gathering (25th-26th)
- ‘Last Sunday Gathering’ PitHouse Talks Series
- Interview with Marilyn James on Reproduce her Justice Podcast
In the works for 2023
- Border Crossed: Sinixt Identity, Place and Belonging in the Canada-US Borderlands – chapter coming in 2023
- Airing of APTN The Other Side episode
- Publication of Captíkʷɬ Sw̓ar̓ák̕xən picture book and related video (with Maa Press)
- International Language Conference
- Launch of Piq Ki7lawna Mural and Interpretive Signage
- Ongoing ReWilding Piq Ki7lawna campaign
- Taking it to the water Graphic Novel
- More cedar weaving (Taress, Rossland Museum)
- Taking it to the Water video
- Meridians publication + audio (Marilyn James and the origins of Smum iem)
- Borderlands chapter on dialect
- Beyond Extinction south of the border and more public screening in Canada
- Launch event/feast for Snk’mip Marsh signage
- Plant protocols info sessions, educational materials, signage, language
- Building Sinixt archives
- More loans from Sinixt families of cultural items for display Rossland museum